El proceso de paz en el País Vasco: el rol desempeñado por la sociedad civil y los electos locales

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 67, 1

Urteaga, Eguzki

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BIBLID [0212-7016 (2022), 67, 1] - Recep.: 30-07-2021; Acept.: 15-02-2022

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After several unsuccessful negotiation processes the Spanish state and ETA in Algiers, Geneva and Oslo, and ten years after the Aiete International Peace Conference which, shortly afterwards led to the end of ETA's armed activity, the time has come to analyse the peace process in the Basque Country in general and in Iparralde (Northern Basque Country) in particular, in which both organised civil society actors and local elected representatives have played an important role as instigators and aides. Wishing to create the conditions for a lasting peace and thus prevent new generations from being confronted with political violence and state repression, the actors in the territory have committed themselves to promoting the end of the armed struggle, the disarmament of ETA and its definitive dissolution, but also to resolving the consequences of the conflict and, especially, the fate of prisoners and victims, all of this in order to build a lasting coexistence.

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