Eleria, Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria
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The third issue of Eleria, the Basque juridical journal, provides its readers with a new section, Klasikoak, which offers the best texts on the essence of Law, and it will thus be possible to form a collection that gathers all such texts that are considered essential in the juridical world. This section is inaugurated by the members of the Ihering and Savigny Historical School. Eleria also contains its habitual sections: The Law of Sanitary Regulation of the Basque Country (J.Arratibel), Taxes as investment incentives in the Basque Autonomous Community (B. Bakaikoa), The latest Spanish reform of the rustic rental juridical regime (M. Karrera), The official denominations of the political communities of Navarre and the Basque Country (X. Arzoz), The Basque language in the organisation and laws of the French Basque Country (T. Peillen) and Television (S. Sarasola). On the other hand, the journal also contains the interviews carried out with the Coordinator General of the Basque Lawyers Council and to the Vice-Councillor of Justice of the Basque Government with the objective of knowing the current situation of the bar in the Basque Country.




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