Eleria, Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria
Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria
Author[s]: Barruetabeña Zenekorta, Maite ... [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2008
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 101 or. : ir. ; 30 cm.
- 1137-1951
In this latest issue of Eleria (17), the Themes section features: ?Delegation of authority to prepare for the Basque succession of Civil Law?, by Maite Barruetabeña; ?Images of Provincial Law in Navarra: from proclamation to oblivion. A theoretical-methodological approach?, by Roldan Jimeno Jurío, lecturer at the Public University of Navarra; ?Microsoft vs. the European Commission? (due to the Law Protecting Market Competition), by Mikel Ulazia Etxabe; and ?The legal situation of the Basque language in the municipalities of the French Basque Country?, by Eguzki Urteaga. In the interview, Itziar Alkorta Idiakez talks to the latest winner of the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Caja Laboral Award, the legal historian Gregorio Monreal Zia; and this issue also sees the start of a new series of Classics, by Jon Mirena Landa Gorostiza and Enara Garro. Texts which best reflect the situation and direction of current criminal policy have been selected, analysed and translated into Basque, and the text presented in this first instalment is: ?Minimal criminal law?, by Luigi Ferrajoli. Furthermore, as in every issue, the journal also includes both chronicles and comments.
- Analytic Summary
- Ferrajoli, Luigi Zuzenbide Penal minimoa
- Garro Carrera, Enara ; Landa Gorostiza, Jon Mirena Gaur egungo politika kriminalaren egoera eta norabidea: Aro berri baten atarian?
- Karrera Egialde, Mikel M. Baserria transmititzearen gaineko kasuistika Gipuzkoan
- Alkorta Idiakez, Itziar Gregorio Monreal Zia. Zuzenbidearen Historialaria. Eusko Ikaskuntza-Caja Laboral sariduna, 2007. urtean.
- Ulazia Etxabe, Mikel Microsoft vs. Europako Batzordea (merkatuko lehia babesten duen Zuzenbidea dela eta)
- Jimeno Aranguren, Roldán Nafarroako Foru Zuzenbidearen irudiak: herri aldarrikapenetik ahanzturara. Hurbilpen teoriko-metodologikoa
- Barruetabeña Zenekorta, Maite Norbere oinordetza antolatzeko ahalmenen ordezkaritza Euskal Herriko Zuzenbide Zibilean