Emakume eta gizonen arteko berdintasunaren mugak: feminismoa, maitasuna eta maitemintzearen arteko tentsioak gazteen bizipenetan

Esteban Galarza, Mari Luz
- Publication year:
- 2012
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 978-84-8419-232-9
This communication is based on the research made into the effect of romantic love on the different genders, presenting the ideas and conflicts resulting from the survey carried out on a series of youngsters, such as those occurring when young women relate/compare equality and falling in love or those occurring in contracts and negotiations within a couple. With the objective, always, of obtaining better understanding of the obstacles and difficulties experienced by youngsters in today´s (supposedly) egalitarian society.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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