Escenas ilustradas del Antiguo Testamento en la Biblia de Pedro de Pamplona

Revisión del Arte Medieval en Euskal Herria = Erdi Aroko Artearen berrikusketa Euskal Herrian = Révision de l

Urbina García, María Mendigaña

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Donostia-San Sebastián

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In the "Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina" in Seville, one can find a splendid example of 13th century Bible. The work is in two volumes and has always been considered as having belonged to Alfonso X the Wise who left it to his son Sancho IV and he in turn to the Cathedral in Seville. The manuscript has various illustrations as well as rich ornamentation which have not yet been subjected to investigation by art historians. The paper we are presenting forms part of the initial study we have carried out from whic we would advance an extract on the miniature featured in the Old Testament
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