Euskal Herriko gizarte aldakuntzak eta etorkizuneko erronkak

XV Basque Studies Congress: Donostia-Baiona 2001. SBasque Science and culture and computer networks

Martínez de Luna, Iñaki

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The motion is about the social changes and challenges of the future in the Basque Country, taking into account the fact that these changes take place in the most global historical environment than may ever have been known. In the analysis proposed, a distinction is made between material and spiritual factors of change, emphasising the relationship between both and their mutual influence. The motion also analyses five material factors (demography, economy, technology, environment and living conditions) and other spiritual factors (institutional policy, political culture, education, general culture and the Basque language). Basing his theories on the diagnosis reference to these factors of change, the author analyses the main challenges Basque society can find from now on.
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