Euskara bermatuko duen eskola gizarte eleanitzean: Hizkuntza komunitatearen indartzerako funtsezko kapitala 2040 urtera begira

Garaio, Beñat
- Publication year:
- 2019
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 356-360 p. ; 27 cm. - (Congreso ; 18)
- 978-84-8419-293-0
There are many different educational s in the Basque Country, including the Basque Autonomous Community. Many schools in the public network have lost their prestige over recent years, amongst other things because of their lack of resources and the pupils’ origins. However, many of those schools are implementing innovations in order to turn the situation around. In this article we have chosen “some successful schools” and identified their assets.We then looked at the possible situation in 2040 and specified the capital which will be needed in order to reach that situation. Finally, some of the information from the PhD this article is based on have been given as supplementary material.
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