Euskarazko gazetaritzaren agerpena eta haren lotura Frantziako politikarekin

XI Basque Studies Congress: Donostia 1991. New cultural formulas: The Basque Country and Europe

Altzibar Aretxabaleta, Xabier

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The written press was born in the XIX century though its arrival was somewhat delayed in the Basque Country. The press in Basque was born in Iparralde as Basque used to be studied in unison with French. As of 1848 periodical gazettes are published dealing mainly with politics and economy. Such publications depended politically on their owners. In 1880 a law excluded the Basque language from the schooling system, its study being then relegated to religious schools which did not stop teaching or using it. In spite of all this, some magazines on Basque interests such as Eskualduna, Le Revue Basque and Le Message de Bayonne were published
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