
Eusko Ikaskuntzaren hiztegi biografikoa (1918-1998)

Eusko Ikaskuntzaren hiztegi biografikoa (1918-1998)

Author[s]: Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga, Joseba; Gómez Gómez, Agustín; Morales Arce, Juan Antonio

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Last 17th September a new publication of Eusko Ikaskuntza was presented in Bilbao. This book is about the biography of all the personalities that have held representative posts in the Society throughout its 80 years of life: The Biographical dictionary of Eusko Ikaskuntza. 1918-1998. It has taken over a year to write and it was written by Agustín Gómez and Juan Antonio Moral under the direction of Joseba Agirreazkuenaga. This publication, edited in Basque and Castilian, collects more than 150 biographies with basic data on each of the personalities: place and date of birth, academic instruction, professional activity, thematic research areas, activity in Eusko Ikaskuntza and his/her most relevant publications. This publication therefore becomes a comfortable tool to accede into the professional profile of some of the cultural personalities of the Basque Country, a book of reference to know who is who in the current Basque scientific community and a way of getting acquainted with the plurality of the associates of Eusko Ikaskuntza. In the introduction Joseba Agirreazkuenaga summarizes the contents of this Dictionary in one sentence: "The Basque Studies Society is one of the characteristic scientific institutions of the intellectual history of the Basques of the 20th century and I think that will continue being so in the 21st century".The Dictionary also has an index with the list of all the executive organs and all of the associates in each of the two historical periods of the Society, that from 1918 to 1936 and that from the re-foundation in 1978 to 1998.Aurkezpena: Juan José Goiriena de Gandarias.- Sarrera: Eusko Ikaskuntza: Zientzia Komunitate baten eraketa. Joseba Agirreazkuenaga.- Biografiak.- Eranskinak: Organo kolegiatuak 1918-1936.- Organo kolegiatuak 1978-1998.- Bazkideen zerrendak: Bazkideen zerrenda 1918-1936.- Bazkideen zerrenda 1978-1998.- Aurkibide onomastikoa.




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