Eusko Ikaskuntzaren XVII. Kongresua: Gizarte aurrerapen iraunkorreko justizia ardatza

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

San Miguel, Nekane

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The central theme of the Conference held by Eusko Ikaskuntza in Autumn 2009 in Vitoria-Gasteiz was innovation, imperative in a multitude of social areas. Taking continuous progress for all as an objective, various proposals were suggested, among them those related to the field of justice and law: on the exercise of Fundamental Rights; on the Fair Process and among them linguistic rights: on the importance of the citizen as the subject and not the object of legal conflict; on the relation of the environment and sustainability in legal processes and outside the courts.
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