Folkloreari aplikaturiko lan metodologia berriak

XV Basque Studies Congress: Donostia-Baiona 2001. SBasque Science and culture and computer networks

Sánchez Equiza, Carlos

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The author poses some ideas, which, at present, circulate in the world of Ethnomusicology and their possible application to the Basque situation. In his opinion, folkloric research should look for links between technical and cultural areas. In this way, it should take advantage of the point of view of certain social sciences (Anthropology, History of Culture, Sociology), but, in the same way, the, in principle, more formalist methods of other sciences (Musicology, Art History) should not be forgotten. Based on that, he reflects on the research and the methodologies required.
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