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Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusiak. Mendez mende indarrean gaur egunera arte = Las Juntas Generales de Gipuzkoa. La Fuerza de una Institución secular en el s. XXI

Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusiak. Mendez mende indarrean gaur egunera arte = Las Juntas Generales de Gipuzkoa. La Fuerza de una Institución secular en el s. XXI

Author[s]: Ayerbe Iribar, Maria Rosa

Publication year:
269 or. : ir. ; 21 cm. ? Eusko Ikaskuntzaren ardurapeko argitalpena = Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusiak, 2006
ISBN-10: 84-611-1560-0 / ISBN-13: 978-84-611-1560-


The Juntas Generales are today and have always been the Parliament of Gipuzkoa. Their origin was in the need to organise, as a supra-municipal institution, the life of municipalities voluntarily gathered in order to fulfil common objectives. It was suppressed in 1877. After the Franquist dictatorship it was restored in 1976, and it has developed its activity and has become the most important political organ in the Historical Territory of Gipuzkoa together with its Statutory Diputation. Once consolidated, it is now in a position to lead the future of Gipuzkoan society.




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