Gipuzkoako Jaiak: Udazkena eta neguko hasiera = Fiestas de Gipuzkoa: Otoño y comienzo del invierno

XV Basque Studies Congress: Donostia-Baiona 2001. SBasque Science and culture and computer networks

Juanes de la Peña, Javier

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This work is part of an audio-visual set of four titled .The festivities of Gipuzkoa in the four seasons of the year.. The objective of the project is to divulge one of the most important aspects of our popular culture, its festivities, in audio-visual form because of its impact and its easy assimilation. The field work, carried out over ten years, constitutes about 25.000 slides that correspond to sixty-eight festivities in thirty-seven municipalities in Gipuzkoa.
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