Historia euskaraz XX. mendean, nahiaren eta ezinaren artean. Lehen hurbiltzea

- Publication year:
- 2005
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-009-9
- 1136-6834
The subject of this text is the analysis of the works written in Basque throughout the 20th century, especially in the period that goes from 1973 to 2001. The result of the work is twofold. On one hand, the effort carried out is clear, since some 1500 works were produced in Basque during that period. The majority of eras and tendencies are represented in this group, showing that it is on the same level as the historiography produced in our surroundings. On the other hand, however, it is clear that it is difficult that the works carried out in Basque constitute a coherent corpus and become an important reference in the historiography of the Basque Country.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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