Innovación, elemento diferenciador de Euskadi. Una alternativa metodológica para el RIS

Calderero Gutiérrez, Alberto
; Fernández Macho, Javier
; González Casimiro, Pilar
; Kuittinen, Hanna
; Sánchez González, Begoña
; Urrutia Bilbao, José A.
; Zaldua Urretabizkaia, Mirari
- Publication year:
- 2012
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 978-84-8419-232-9
This work presents a methodological alternative for measuring in-novation in European regions that contribute to improve the RIS, reducing its arbitrary nature and increasing its transparency. Data Envelopment Analysis is included as a target method to weigh up the indicators and is applied to all the European regions, focusing on the case of the Basque Country.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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