Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura
Intimismoaz haraindi: emakumezkoek idatzitako euskal literatura

Author[s]: Olaziregi, Mari Jose
- Publication year:
- 1999
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 84-8419-986-X
- 1137-4454
Iracurtçailleari. - I. Kritika feminista. - II. Emakumezkoek idatzitako euskal literatura. Ahanztura baten kronika. - III. Mariasun Landaren literatur mundua. Txikiaren handitasuna. - IV. Arantxa Urretabizkaia edo emakumeen ahotsa euskal nobelagintzan gorpuztu zenekoa. - V. Azkena. - VI. Bibliografia. - Bibliographic Section.The present scientific work has been carried out thanks to the 1988 Angel Apraiz Scholarship. Split into four parts, the first, titled Feminist Critique, is a summary of this type of critique, mentioning the trends or developments that it has had in various countries. After this introduction, in the second part the authors reflect on the situation of Basque literature written by women and this is why we have analysed the forms of customary promotion: critiques, literary prizes, the school textbooks and literary magazines. In all of them the authors have been able to verify the scarce presence of women writers and the little appreciation that their work raises among us. After these notes the authors publish an analysis of the work by Mariasun Landa and Arantxa Urretabizkaia, an analysis which was carried out with a comparative approach. In this last part, as a complement of all this, we provide a bibliography on the feminist critique and on the acceptance that the analysed authoresses have had by literary critics.