Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore

Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore#008

Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore#008

Author[s]: Gojenola Onaindia, Manu... [et al.]

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The works that make up this issue of Jentilbaratz cover a considerable sampling of various themes, methodologies and objectives that are aplicable to the study of the so-called traditional culture. "Albokaren alde batzuk", by Manu Gojenola, is the result of various years of research that will no doubt convert it into one of the reference publications on this instrument and its interpreters, which are even more unknown than we had thought. "Bikote-dantzak XVIII. eta XIX. mendeetan Euskal Herrian: kontradantzak eta ondorengoak" is a study based on a practically unpublished theme: salon dances, and mainly the contradanza, and its reception in 18th and 19th century Vasconia. Lastly, "Asociaciones de mocerías en la Merindad de Busturia" (Associations of young men in the District of Busturia), by Josu Larrinaga, is the result of the fieldwork carried out by its author in that area of Bizkaia, focussing more on forms of cultural socialisation than in certain objects.




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