Jokoa eta jolasa helduen artean. Mendi zeharkaldi, aerobic eta futbolaren bidez helduen gizartekotzea

Jokoak, Kirolak eta Folklore-Ikerketa. Jardunaldiak. Basauri, 2008 / Juegos, Deportes e Investigación Folclórica. Jornadas. Basauri, 2008

Oiarbide Goikoetxea, Asier

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This paper examines the significance present in Basque culture of three kinds of physical activity done by adults. On the basis of ethnographic work, one of ; the features of which is participatory observation, mountain walking, aerobics and football are studied by analysing the four meanings that comprise ludic reality: the physical environment in which the activities are engaged in, the building of time, participantinteraction, and relationship with respect to objects. Finally, the social significance that can be concluded from these characteristics is explained.
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