Jolas tradizionalak sustatzen Hezkuntza Arautuan

Jokoak, Kirolak eta Folklore-Ikerketa. Jardunaldiak. Basauri, 2008 / Juegos, Deportes e Investigación Folclórica. Jornadas. Basauri, 2008

Ibarra Ibens, Iker
; Ruiz de Arkaute Graciano, Javier
; Zulaika Isasti, Luis María

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Throughout history the value of recreational games has been studied and ; highlighted from a range of disciplines. We have looked at the effect traditional games have on the development and education of children in the sphere of Physical ; Education, in particular, on behaviour in the psychological sphere, interaction in social relations and networks. As games are so varied and different, we have to bear in mind that each type of game develops different values. We then explain our empirical intervention before going on to our conclusions.
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