Kirol joko-jolasak eta gizartekotze prozesua: Euskal Herriko eta Amerikako Estatu Batuen kasuak

Etxebeste Otegi, Joseba
- Publication year:
- 2009
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 978-84-8419-1834-1
This paper sets out to deal in depth with the cultural significance of Basque ; competitive and recreational games and the sport of America. To do this, the main ; results of two pieces of research that we have conducted will be presented: firstly, analysis and interpretation of the corpus of competitive-recreational games in "Juegos Infantiles en Vasconia" ("Children´s Games in the Basque Country"); and secondly, ethnography carried out on the American Football team at the Hug High School in Reno.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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