La autorrealización eco-social del ser humano y sus medios: Reflexiones sobre la cultura y la tecnología

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 68, 1

Metzner-Szigeth, Andreas

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BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 1] - Recep.: 18-10-2021; Acep: 12-01-2023
0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180

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Our discussion aims to unite considerations of philosophical anthropology and social theory to human ecology. It will be developed in three stages. The first section attempts to understand a strategy of thematization and a framework of reflection that are working with the instruments of conceptual explanations of culture and technology. The second will explore another strategy of thematization together with another framework of reflection asking how culture and technology have emerged and what functions they do fulfill, in order to decipher their relationship on this background. The third section will discuss culture and technology with regard to some properties attributed to them that are trying to prove their nature as ends and as resources, in order to prepare in this way the central thesis that is to characterize them as means of the self-realization of humankind in its ecological environment.

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