La fortuna indiana de Juan José Amunátegui y la memoria de la esclavitud: de la Torre del reloj de Busturia a sus posesiones en La Mancha
![Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, 47. Los vascos y la esclavitud=Euskaldunak eta esklabutza [on line]](/files/argitalpenak/Vasconia-47_270.jpg)
Inarejos Muñoz, Juan A.
- Publication year:
- 2023
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [1136-6834, eISSN 2386-5539 (2023), 47; 145-164]
- 1136-6834, eISSN 2386-5539
The article analyzes the slave origin of the Indian fortune that the Biscayan Juan José Amunátegui managed to amass in Cuba during the middle decades of the 19th century. Part of this capital was invested in the construction of different buildings, such as the Busturia Clock Tower, through which he showed his countrymen his success in business, but without reference to its links with slavery.
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