La integración de la caridad privada en el sistema ; benéfico del siglo XVIII y su implicación sociopolítica: ; las obras pías en el País Vasco

Burrieza Sánchez, Javier
- Publication year:
- 2002
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-944-4
This work analyses the mechanisms of charity, more concretely, private or ; personal contributions to the charity system instituted during the 16th century, ; specifying the various typologies and institutions through which it is supported: ; charitable bequests, charitable works, donations and alms, foundations, ; chaplaincies, etc... and analysing various examples of the different members of the community. In the same way, it analyses alms as a system of social control and the paternalistic attitudes of privileged groups.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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