La Investigación - Acción en el contexto de la Educación Musical

Musiker. Cuadernos de Música

JIMENO GRACIA, María Manuela

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This is a work of research that proposes a framework to adapt, organise, arrange, and interrelate the .Curriucula. in both Music Schools (ages 3-12) and Music Education in Teacher Training programmes for Early Years and Primary levels (ages 3-12). The aim being to analyse converging and diverging points, from the dual Art and Science perspective in Music. A team of primary and pre-school teachers as well as teachers from Music Schools, all conducted by Mª Manuela Jimeno, are actively taking part in the scheme. The research proposal is currently being developed in several schools in the Community of Navarre under the sponsorship of the Department of Education and Culture of the Government of Navarre. Since 1995, the Public University of Navarre has laid the rationale and has studied the proposals.
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