Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación
Lectura pedagógica de la realidad "vasco-brasileña"

Author[s]: Ugartetxea, Arantxa [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2004
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 330 or. : ir. ; 24 cm. - (Non: Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación ; 13)
- 84-8419-887-1
- 1137-4446
- DOI:
The main intention of this work is to reflect pedagogically and from the emotional point of view, on aspects of "Basque -Brazilian" reality. Beginning with an exposé on the significance of the construction of the Brazilian identity. This is the story of some Basques in Brazil, as from the 16th century. This work ends with some interviews with Basques who at present live or have lived in Brazil. This work has in Errealitate Zirraragarria, the book by doctor Alfredo Soeiro, its necessary pedagogic reference.

- Analytic Summary
- UGARTETXEA ARRIETA, Arantxa Sarrera = Presentación = Presentaçao
- MARTINS CLEMENTE DE BRITO, Elça A construçao da identidade do outro e o pluralismo da cultura brasileira. Algumas reflexoes
- ORMAZABAL INSAUSTI, Estebe Brasilgo euskaldunak. Historia ezezagun bati gerturatzea = Los vascos en Brasil. Aproximación a una historia desconocida
- Álbum fotográfico
- SOEIRO, Alfredo Errealitate zirraragarria. Izakiari errealitate desiragarria eskuratzen lagunduz
- UGARTETXEA ARRIETA, Arantxa La cultura del viaje "vasco-brasileño". Emoçao-Zirrarak. Lectura pedagógica