Madeleine de Jauréguiberry: Oritzapen zonbait

Madeleine de Jauréguiberry. Omenaldia-Hommage

DAVANT, Jean-Louis

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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I met Madeleine de Jauréguiberry in four occasions, mainly related with my work. On 25th October 1970, in the old town hall at Mauleón, she participated in the homage that Euskaltzaindia offered to J.D.J. Sallaberr y, who was to be the notary of Mauleón. He had written the book titled "Chants populaires du Pays ; Basque" and that was where I first met Mrs. Jauréguiberry. On 5th July 1972, in ; the Court of Appeals at Pau, where I had been taken to trial by the Administration, Madeleine gave me her full support. On 22nd August 1976, the day when I pronounced my entrance speech in Euskaltzaindia in what was the town hall of Mauleón, she honoured the act with her presence. On 22nd October 1977, just after finishing her burial mass, an oak branch fell on her coffin. How symbolic!
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