Muchas producciones y un único mercado = Produkzio ugari eta merkatu bakarra

XV Basque Studies Congress: Donostia-Baiona 2001. SBasque Science and culture and computer networks

Perugorria, Julio

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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These people that leave the companies become specialised in various fields in theatre-related activities. After the signing of the covenant between the Ministries of Culture and Public Works, for the rehabilitation of public theatres in 1985 and many other provincial and municipal administrations, the latter begin to acquire or build theatres and exhibition halls. It is at this time and for the reasons previously mentioned that distribution offices, networks and circuits are initially constituted. With the jurisdictions on culture transferred to the different autonomous communities over the last few years, the distribution panorama has changed considerably and knowledge of these new markets is now fundamental. For all these reasons distribution must be directly connected with production, since one would not exist without the other. Of the seventeen existing autonomous communities, such circuits exist in eleven. All such circuits depend on public institutions.
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