Musique et territoire: les avatars d´une conjonction

Música y Territorio = Musique et territoire = Musika eta Lurraldea

Morel Borotra, Natalie

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The author considers the evolution of the relationship between the concept sof music and territory, two terms that have been approached in different forms throughout the centuries. Wonderful territories tainted with musical exoticism, regions considered as characterized by national features as expressed in folklore are nowgiving place, in the age of globalization and new technologies, to "spaces" that are some times dematerialized, in order to meet broader concerns of cultural identity andcustoms of territorial structuring and demarcation by means of sounds. Theintroduction to this thematic issue is completed by a brief presentation of the various contributions, which illustrate some of the points made here.
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