Nota de acercamiento al clero secular rural del Señorío de Bizkaia en la Edad Moderna

Manex Goihenetcheri omenaldia = Homenaje a Manex Goihenetche = Hommage a Manex Goihenetche

Larrea Sagarminaga, María Ángeles
; Mieza Mieg, Rafael María

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This text collects the suggestions derived from an initial approach to the study of Biscayne secular clergy in the Modern Era. The moral behaviours thus registered seem to syntonize preferentially with more lax behaviours, presumed to be dominant in the general population, rather than with strictly orthodox Tridentine behaviours. Especially note worthy, even at this level of approximation, is the economic role played by the secularclergy in speeding up the circulation of money in environments in which their presence was not regular, but certainly necessary.
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