
I Basque Studies Congress: Oñate 1918. Bajo el patrocinio de las Diputaciones Vascas

Barandiarán Ayerbe, José Miguel

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Prehistory possesses a theoretical and a practical aspect, and has several auxiliary sciences such as geology, anthropology, archaeology, ethnography and palaeontology. The stratigraphic and the paleontologic methods are used for classifying the remains of prehistoric man, to which one must add the archaeologic method. The prehistoric (palaeolithic and neolithic) stages are also to be taken into account. Prehistoric monuments are to be found in places where man could protect his family and assure their protection as caves, mouths of rivers, etc. The methods for carrying out explorations vary depending on wether the deposits are to be found in the open air, in grottoes or caverns, on wether they are dolmens or menhirs...

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