Reconstruir el discurso de las élites navarras bajo el reinado de Carlos II (1665-1700): los informes de Llamamientos a Cortes

Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, 45 [on line]

Presumido Casado, Pablo

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BIBLID [1136-6834, eISSN 2386-5539 (2021), 45; 5-27]
1136-6834, eISSN 2386-5539

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Occupying the top position of the society in the second half of the 17th century did not only depend on the economic activities that one did, no matter how lucrative they might have been. It was also necessary to occupy the most relevant political and social positions. In order to achieve this, it was very important to develop a discourse to legitimize those intended positions. This article will investigate the most outstanding discursive elements used by those historical characters who
occupied prominent positions in Navarre during the reign of Charles II of Spain (1665-1700). Focus in mainly places on those who aspired to have a seat in the legislative organism, the Parliament of Navarre, as a stepping stone to a position in the Empire. To achieve this goal, the Reports of the Call to the Cortes will be used in contrast with other documentation to find out if the changes that were taking place in society were also reflected in the speeches of these elites.

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