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Aljeriako gerla eta Euskal Herria (1954-1962). La guerre d´Algérie et le Pays Basque (1954-1962)

Mendiboure, Michel

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Those were obscure, bleak years. In most of the houses there was neither water nor electricity, nor were there roads. There was no money and the families were ; numerous. Xalbador Yarzabal, the bertsolari of Senpere said in 1957: "Aspaldi urte ; hautan zagon gure herria tristerik, jende pobriek guk badakigu zonbat dugun ; sofriturik" (our village had been soaked in sadness for years, we the poor know well how much we have suffered). In school the used to hit us for speaking Basque and for doing our class work badly, and many of us left school without having learnt much. People used to live in misery, under the authority of the Church. Such was the situation when I went to Algeria as a soldier.
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