Sustentagarritasuna, sozio ingurumen gatazkak eta demokrazia parte hartzailea: Euskal Herrira begiratu bat

XVII Basque Studies Congress: Gasteiz, 2009. Innovation for sustainable social progress

Bárcena, Iñaki
; Gorostidi, Izaro
; Larrinaga, Josu
; Martínez, Jone
; Zurimendi, Epifanio

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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In this article, based on research conducted by the subgroup on sustainability within the Hartuz Parte research grouping during the years 2004-2008, an attempt is made to perform an analysis and interpretation of environmental conflicts developed in the Basque Country between the 2000 and 2007. With this purpose in mind, we describe and evaluate the innovative and participatory solutions provided in the ten cases studied, both from a quantitative and qualitative dimension. Thus, the ultimate aim of this article is to com-plete the analysis and evaluation of participatory mechanisms encountered in environmental conflicts.
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