Viviendas y alojamientos para personas mayores. La experiencia internacional

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 65, 1-2

Sancho Castiello, Mayte

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BIBLID [0212-7016 (2020), 65, 1-2: 180-224]

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The phenomenon known as the 'longevity revolution' is generating a series of deeprooted changes in the living conditions of older adults. Their unanimous desire to remain in their home and in familiar surroundings, or if this is not possible, to move to domestic facilities that enable them to feel like they are living 'at home', has prompted a complete rethinking of our longterm care model, a process which has been under way in the international field for various decades now. Years ago, the concept of nursing home/institution gave way to that of accommodation/housing. Almost all of Europe is moving in this direction, from a variety of different starting points and through a wide range of initiatives that can be summed up as formulas which guarantee that older adults can retain their dignity in their everyday lives, even when they need help. In this collaborative study, we describe a set of international experiences, presenting them as 'best practices' that are potentially generalisable to other regions, such as the Basque Country.

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