Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century: actions in the coming months



Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century: actions in the coming months

The project is in the contrast and dissemination phase of the information collected during the research process.

Over the next few months, we will contrast and polish the information collected in the research project Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century: objective 2050 , the final results of which will be presented at the XIX Congress of Basque Studies . Furthermore, to learn the background of the research and have the opportunity to make a personal reflection on the topic, we will disseminate the first results in the usual Eusko Ikaskuntza channels.

The main objective of the research is to propose the bases for the construction of a renewed plural, cohesive and integrative Basque identity. To collect proposals for the future we have had to previously address other sections: knowing the ways of understanding, defining and living the Basque identity; identify the current agents that promote, create or reinforce the Basque identity; analyze the change in Basque identity; and, we have detected the challenges of the Basque identity of the future. Thus, before preparing the proposals, we have studied five areas: the elements of Basque identity; the nature of Basque identity; the agents of Basque identity; the change of Basque identity; and, the future of Basque identity.

With the purpose of improving the information collected, the following actions have been planned: contrast, using a Delphi, of the proposals received; return and account of the information collected in the discussion groups; contrast with the diaspora of discourses regarding this area; and, finally, contrast of the information with people who are experts in identity issues.

Likewise, to publicize the background of the areas studied, in the coming months we will develop different communication actions. This will be reported in the Asmoz ta Jakitez newsletter.

(This text is translated automatically with Google Translator)

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