Collaboration betwen Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils

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Collaboration betwen Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils

They have signed an agreement to carry out studies on Local Administration and offer projects against depopulation to local entities in rural areas.

Ana Urkiza, President of Eusko Ikaskuntza and Juan Carlos Castillo, President of the Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils, signed a collaboration agreement on April 25 to promote studies related to the Local Administration of Navarra and offer rural entities the development of projects related to the digital world and the fight against depopulation.

Within this framework, both institutions have agreed to implement initiatives in areas such as the analysis and identification of the needs and challenges of the local entities of Navarra and their communities, to which they will offer projects that contribute to their development.

The subject matters of this collaboration refer both to the area of the Local Administration of Navarra, its characteristics, competencies and challenges, as well as the role that local entities can play in development, progress, well-being and cohesion society of their communities.

In the coming months, both parties will decide by mutual agreement on the specific projects, as well as the resources and activities to be implemented, which may consist of carrying out studies, the organization of conferences, conferences and seminars, the edition of publications, the distribution of documents or acts of public dissemination, among others.

The agreement will be valid for the next four years, extendable in equal periods. The monitoring commission made up of representatives of the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Basque Studies Society and the Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils will meet at least once a year.

(Automatic translation via Google Translation)

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