Aberri minez kantari: Aberriaren errepresentazio sinbolikoak euskal literaturan, Erromantizismotik XXI. mendera arte

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 68, 1

Otaegi Imaz, Lourdes (1); Gurrutxaga Muxika, Alexander (2)

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BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68, 1] - Jasoa: 2022-12-26; Onartua: 2023-06-06
0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180

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This article aims to identify the symbolic representations of a country created and expanded in Basque literature, and mainly in the context of poetry. Since the theme of the homeland is one of the leit-motifs of contemporary literature, promoted by the “emotional turn” of cultural history and the predominance of memory as an instrument for emotional recovery of it, we have reviewed the texts of modern main authors and the images they have created to represent it. Bringing to our area the foundations of theoretical fields of research about “heimat”, we shall interpret the principal symbolic representations of the homeland from Romanticism to the present day in the course of the article, examining their historical development, and setting the points of view they suggest and the emotions they reveal.

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