Agosto Xahoren proposamenak euskararen ortografiaz

Agosti Xahori omenaldia: bere sortzearen bigarren Mendeurrena = Hommage à Augustin Chaho: Deux-centième anniversaire de sa naissance

Coyos, Battittu

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Notes and proposals made by Augustin Chaho on the spelling of Basque are analysed. They are set against current Standard Basque orthography. We have different sources to hand: L´Ariel journal published by Chaho, and his book La Guerre des alphabets, règles d´orthographe euskarienne. Like wise, ; the appendix includes the writing system of two manuscripts. According to Chaho, it was necessary to create a standard set of rules, since at that time each writer used his particular Basque. He believed that the rules had to be valid for all dialects of the Basque language.
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