Alokairuzko amak espainiar ordenamendu juridikoan: debekua, etorkizuneko erronka?

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Beriain Flores, Irantzu

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The report titled "Surrogate Mothers in Spanish Law: Current Prohibition, Future Challenge?" has the objective of explaining the importance and the legal consequences of the latest agreements adopted by the Directorate-General of Registers and Notaries on the contracts of surrogate mothers. More specifi cally, two decisions are the focus of study in this report: on the one side, The DGRN´s Resolution of 18th February 2009 and, on the other, the DGRN´s Instruction of 5th October 2010, on the registration system for registering the parentage of children born via surrogate motherhood.
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