Bertsolaritzari buruzko ikerkuntzak orain arte (ikuspegi berri baten arrasto zaharrak)
Garzia Garmendia, José Ramón
- Publication year:
- 2002
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-907-X
In the present motion the author reviews the studies on bersolarism carried out up to the present day. It is not, however, a mere revision, a neutral revision, but an interested revision. That is to say, that the points of view used in the research of bersolarism - in general, and improvised bersolarism in particular - are reviewed in the light of a new theoretical framework that seems to have achieved, over these last few years, a wide consensus among researchers. This new theoretical framework, briefly described, corresponds to that of rhetoric: it is therefore proposed to go from the point of view of poetry to that of rhetoric. Up until now, the novelty of the framework, as is normal, has been emphasised. In the present motion, on the other hand, the intention is to show their roots. Beginning by Manuel Lekuona, Leizaola, Juan Mari Lekuona, Basarri, Amuriza, Zulaika, Zavala, Egaña, Sarasua... represent some of the ramifications of these roots. On the other hand, the motion is presented as a discussion topic, with a double objective: to discuss on the suitability of this new framework; and to study the previous contributions in depth.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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