El Tratado de Bayona de 10 de marzo de 1995: significado y visión general de sus posibilidades para la cooperación transfronteriza

Baiona-Donostia Euskal Eurohiriari buruzko gogoeta jardunaldiak = Journées de reflexion sour l´Eurocité Basque Bayonne-San Sebastián = Jornadas de reflexión sobre la Eurociudad Vasca Bayonne-San Sebastián

Gómez Campo, Enrique

Publication year:
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Donostia-San Sebastián

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The text is a general analysis of the 1995 Spanish-French Treaty on transborder cooperation between territorial entities (Treaty of Bayonne). First there is an explanation on how it emerged: its connection with the European Framework Agreement, its negotiation and its different legal scope in Spain and in France. After that, there is a description of the Treaty´s answers to such questions as: who can cooperate, what can there be cooperation on, how there can be cooperation and what limits must such cooperation observe. The textends with a balance of the first three years of application of the Treaty.
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