Euskal musikuak Ameriketan

Cuadernos de Sección. Música

Arana Martija, José Antonio

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The author starts his work with a special memory to Father Riezu, banished to America in 1936 and lately deceased. Then he mentions several Bsque musicians of the early 19th century as well as the presence of relevant Basque musicians of the second half of that century: Zubiaurre, Aldana, Iradier, Gaztambide, Aguirre ; interpreters such as Gayarre and Sarasate and "bertsolaris" (Baque Popular poets) such as Iparraguirre, Mengiague and Otaño. In our 20th century, composers and professor such as Ortiz San Pelayo, la familia Arrillaga and Ortigala, and particularly Mujika, Landazabal and San Juan werre outstanding. The singers Constantino, Mardones, Aguirregabiria and Fagoaga, among many others, visited America. Due to the high number of organs mounted by Amezua and Alberdi, many organists belonging to religious orders, such as the Franciscans Iturriaga and Sudupe, the Laterans Mallea and Madina, and Azkue later on, went to America. After the civil war, several "txistularis" (Baque flute players) formed dance groups and choirs with exiles and Baque people who had already settled down. This study ends with a reference to J.C. Arriaga?s works in America
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