Euskal narratiba XXI. mendean: emakumeak idazle

Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura [on line]

Urkulo Rodríguez, Iraitz

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Most of the first works presented recently are written by women. Irati Jimenez, Katixa Agirre, Garazi Goia ... are the representatives of current Basque narrative. Taking into account their personal characteristics, there has been some debate on the concept of generation and the relationships between generations. On the other hand, we have conducted various theoretical reflections (on postmodernism, on the theory of reception, on feminism, on the gender theory ...) And to conclude, critical comments on Habitat, by Katixa Agirre, and Bi hitz by Garazi Goia are introduced.
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