Immigrazioa eta gizarte zerbitzuak: Etorkinentzako helmuga ala hasiera?

XVII Basque Studies Congress: Gasteiz, 2009. Innovation for sustainable social progress

Moreno Márquez, Gorka

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This work contains an analysis on various aspects related with immigration and social services. Thus, after a brief introduction that analyses the main characteristics of migration flows over the last few years, a concept of social exclusion and integration is used as a starting point to define the mission of social services. Also, an analysis is made of how immigrant people use the social services. In contrast with certain opinions existing in the autochthonous society, it is observed that immigrants use social services especially at the beginning of their migration process, and diminish their use thereof as the process advances. In other words, the use of social services by immigrants is the [first] insertion trampoline within an ascending process, and is not the last protective net as is the case with the autochthonous population.
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