Inmigrazioa eta integrazioa: bereziki, integrazio planei buruzko zenbait gogoeta

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Goizueta Vértiz, Juana

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián


One of the focal points of Spanish migration policy is the integration of foreigners. Indeed, it is clear that it is becoming increasingly important that tools should be created to enable immigrants to become integrated into the host society. This paper will in fact be examining these tools. So it will be taking a look firstly at co-ordination, funding, mediation and best practices, before going on to tackle the main aim of this piece of research: specifically, the tools used to design and organise integration policies on all levels of the administration will be examined: in other words, integration plans.
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