Isturitz. Cuadernos de Prehistoria-Arqueología
Isturitz. Cuadernos de Prehistoria-Arqueología, 11

Author[s]: Domínguez, Ainhoa [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 308 or. : ir. ; 24 cm.
- 1137-4489
- DOI:
The present issue of Isturitz, that is issue no. 11 in our collection, has been conceived following the express desire of the members of the Prehistory and Archaeology Section of Eusko Ikaskuntza, in posthumous homage to our companion Ainhoa Domínguez. Her premature death has provoked a unexpected vacuum among the Basque archaeologists that get together under the aegis of Eusko Ikaskuntza, This heartfelt homage was therefore conceived as a modest response to her untimely death. Nothing better than to begin the issue with two articles that Ainhoa had signed and left us for publication, on medieval ceramics from Alava, a field in which she carried out much research. To complete that first part of volume 11 devoted to the analysis of ceramics, we also included another three articles on petrographic, geochemical and mineralogic analysis of protohistorical ceramics from Gipuzkoa, Navarre and Alava, which thus socialise protracted research accomplished from this section by a mixed team of chemists and archaeologists. The second block of articles is composed of the research about the graphic work by Benta Laperra (Bizkaia), the archaeological analysis in Oreinaren Gordelelkua and Zezenaren Gordelekua (Galdamiz, Bizkaia), the functional analysis of the flint stone equipment from Pico Ramos (Muskiz, Bizkaia), the massive concentration of remains found in La Hoya (Laguardia, Alava), the results of metalographic and paleopathologic analyses in the Roman city of Santa Criz (Eslava, Navarre) and the documentary and archaeological study of the Ruta Juradera between Bilbao and Gernika (Bizkaia), all of which mean informing public opinion on the results of the latest archaeological research carried out under the sponsorship of the Prehistory and Archaeology Section of Eusko Ikaskuntza.
- Analytic Summary
- Ainhoa Domínguez in memoriam
- DOMÍNGUEZ IBAÑEZ, Ainhoa ; ORTEGA, Luis Ángel ; SÁENZ DE URTURI RODRÍGUEZ, Francisca Caracterización ceramológica de las formas cerámicas de época medieval en el despoblado de Legardagutxi (Álava)
- DOMÍNGUEZ IBAÑEZ, Ainhoa ; ORTEGA, Luis Ángel ; ZULUAGA, María Cruz Estudio de la cerámica bajomedieval en Vitoria, a través de la intervención practicada en la manzana II
- LARREA, Francisco José ; ORTEGA, Luis Ángel ; TARRIÑO, Andoni Análisis petrográgico de cerámicas protohistóricas de Guipúzcoa
- LARREA, Francisco José ; OLAETXEA ELÓSEGI, Carlos ; ORTEGA, Luis Ángel ; TARRIÑO, Andoni Análisis mineralógico y geoquímico de cerámicas de la Protohistoria de Navarra
- LARREA, Francisco José ; OLAETXEA ELÓSEGI, Carlos ; ORTEGA, Luis Ángel ; TARRIÑO, Andoni Análisis petrográfico de cerámicas de la Protohistoria de Álava
- GORROTXATEGI, Xabier La caracterización del soporte de la obra gráfica parietal en la cueva decorada paleolítica de Benta Laperra (Karrantza, Bizkaia)
- GORROTXATEGI, Xabier ; IHARRITU, Mari Jose Areatza haitzuloko "Oreinaren Gordelekua" eta "Zezenaren Plataforma" gordailuen ikerketa arkeologikoa (Galdamiz, Enkarterri, Bizkaia)
- IBAÑEZ, Juan José La función de los útiles retocados del yacimiento de Kobaederra (Oma, Vizcaya). Campañas de 1995, 96 y 97
- IBAÑEZ, Juan José ; ZAPATA PEÑA, Lydia La función de los útiles en sílex del Yacimiento de Pico Ramos (Muskiz, Bizkaia)
- ARMENDÁRIZ AZNAR, Rosa ; MATEO PÉREZ, María Rosario ; SÁENZ DE ALBÉNIZ ARREGUI, María Pilar Santa Criz, ciudad romana: resultados de los estudios metalográficosy paleopatológicos
- FERNÁNDEZ, María Jesús ; PRADO, Ana Isabel Estudio arqueológico y documental del camino viejo Bilbao-Gernika (Ruta Juradera). Nuevos hallazgos y reconstrucción del trazado