Merkataritza Zuzenbidearen eguneratzea eta eraberritzea: kapital-sozietateen Legea

Eleria. Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Iraculis Arregui, Nerea

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The new Companies and Corporations Law has been created with the objective of overcoming the lack of coordination, imperfections and shortfalls produced as a result of successive modifi cations made in trade legislation. The new Law breaks away from the traditional regulation of companies and corporations which was dispersed in Spanish legislation, by combining in one text the entire regulation on companies. The aim is to emphasise the fundamental unit that exists between the various types of companies and corporations. This leads to a regulation of the different areas in general for all companies and corporations and, within each ; chapter or section, the specifi c characteristics of each company are included, avoiding reference to other texts.
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