Osasun arloko euskal komunitatea 2040an: arretaren normalizaziotik hizkuntzaren normalizaziora

XVIII Congreso de Estudios Vascos El futuro que nos (re)une: Congreso del Centenario. Baiona, Gasteiz, Iruña, Bilbo, Donostia, Oñati, 2018

Montes Lasarte, Aitor

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361-368 p. ; 27 cm. - (Congreso ; 18)

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The normalisation of health care should be based on evidence and include care centred on people: each person’s language is an indispensable part of that. So the care can make its own contribution to the normalisation of Basque. As the health is complex, a change of culture is called for, and social capital is the basis for that change: activist workers who have language awareness.The lever for usage will be created thanks to cooperation social activists, universities and health organisations (social infrastructure). The health area Basque community will be created by all of them, the use of Basque in society being made real thanks to an active offer. So health can be used to give Basque energy.

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