Eleria, Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria
Prozedura zibileko Lege berria
Author[s]: Iñaki Esparza koord.
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 84-8419-937-1
With the coming into effect of the new Law 1/2000 on civil procedures, Eleria legal magazine presents a meticulous analysis of the main novelties introduced therein, and informs on its most relevant features and contributions. A legal glossary elaborated by UZEI is included to explain any doubts that could emerge and take one further step towards unification in terminology. The second issue of Eleria?s "Testuak" collection includes this analysis of the law of civil procedure, the purpose of which is to divulge the main topics it includes in an ordinary issue beyond its customary readers.