Un ejemplo del conflicto social en el artesanado de Bilbao: las fugas de aprendices (1600-1900)

Tokiko historiaz II. Ihardunaldiak: gatazka eta gizarteaz = II Jornadas de historia local: sociedad y conflicto

Gracia Cárcamo, Juan

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The objective of this short study has been that of showing how is craftmanship there existed strong social conflicts, opposite to what traditional historigraphy expected on the subject. We have chosen as case of study the example of Bilbao from the XVII century till the end of XIX century. In this city, as it is usual in the Ancien Régime, most of apprentices come from the rural province surroundings. Regarding the social conflict we have chosen a repetitive circunstance (the escape of apprentices) where the competition between craftmanship masters and apprentices is clearly shown. In some cases (very little really) the apprentices escape are a consequence of an inmature character and of default against authority. On the contrary, what is most usual is that escape of the apprentices is produced by sensible lads that try to avoid an explotation due to craftmanships masters. The reason for it is the following: though apprenticeship contracts lasted usually 4 or 5 years, half of this period was intended to make apprentices know the foundations of their future profession. But, in 2 years time, craftmanship turned into skilled and clear workforce for it did not receive any salary. Some apprentices revealed against this system, running away from the craftmanship workshop in order to be able to find work as officials that dominated the trade
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